
The basics features are free to use and do not require an API key. However, we do have Pro and Ultra plans that require an API key to access specific features such as historical price data and GTIN/UPC Lookup API.

Subscribe to our pro plans

Subscribe to our Pro and Ultra plans to get an API key. Pro plan starts at $9.99/month.

API key

To authenticate your requests, you need to include your API key in the Authorization header. The API key is a secret token that is unique to you and is used to authenticate your requests.

You’ll receive this API Key shortly after subscribing to our Pro or Ultra plans.

GET /product/{id}/market HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_API_KEY>

If you subscribed via RapidAPI, you can use the X-RapidAPI-Key header instead of the Authorization header.

Rate limits

PlanRate limitRate limit via RapidAPI
Free tier2 request/second500,000 per month
Pro1M request/month830,000 per month
Ultra5M request/month1,500,000 per month